Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/96

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Beheafdung, beheading.
Healice, chiefly; healicost, in preference to all others.
Hearpe-nægl, harp-nail, plectrum.
Hearpe-streng, II. 2. harp-string.
Hearpian, to play on the harp.
Hefig, tedious.
Helan, to conceal.
Heof, mourning, lament.
II. 2. hope, expectation.
Gehihtan, to hope, trust.
Hiw-cuð, belonging to the household, familiaris.
Hládan, pret. hlód, to load.
Hnecca, neck, cervix.
Oferhogian, to despise.
Horu, III. 1. pollution, filth, sordes.
Hund-teontig, hundred.
Hwar, i. q. hwær, where.
Hwaðerode, probably an error for hraðerode, i. q. hreðode, raged; from hreþian, sævire.
Hwíg, i. q. hwi, why.
Hyred-man, domestic, retainer.
Gehywed, feigned, assumed, hypocritical.
Geinnian, to indemnify.
Irlic, angry.
Irre, i. q. yrre, ire, anger.
Iuguð, i. q. geogoð, youth.
Iung, i. q. geong, young.
Gelæccan, pret. -læhte, to catch.
Læ'ran, to advise.
Læ'rincg-mæden, female pupil.
Alætan, to let forth, give up (the ghost).
Leaf, II. 3. leave, permission.
Lengc, i. q. leng, longer.
Leogan, pret. leah, pl. lugon, to lie; leogende, lying.
Alesan, i. q. alysan, to redeem, liberate.
Mislician, to be displeasing.
Anlícnes, likeness, statue.
Forliden, shipwrecked; from liðan, to navigate. Gr. 248.
Gemæcca, make, mate; used both of males and females.
Gemægnan, i. q. gemengan, to mingle.
Mænio, many, multitude.
Mangere, i. q. mancgere, monger, merchant.
Wiðmeten, compared, comparable; from wiðmetan.
Mid þam þe, when, after that.
Mid þi, or mid þy, when, since.