Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/98

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Rúd, redness.
Gesælð, III. 1. happiness, advantage, good.
Asændan, i. q. asendan, to send.
Sárlic, painful, sorrowful, grievous.
Unscæðði, for unscæððig, harmless, innocent.
Scamfæst, shamefaced, bashful.
Scamu, i. q. sceamu, shame.
Scicels, II. 2. cloak.
Forscildian, to accuse, condemn; forscildod, guilty. Ger. verschulden.
Scite, I. 3. sheet.
Unscoren, unshorn; from sceran. Gr. 229.
Ge-inseglian, to seal.
Seglung, sailing, navigation.
Asettan, to propose.
Síd-feax, with dishevelled hair.
Sillan, i. q. syllan & sellan, to sell, give.
Gesingian, to sin, do wrong.
Gesirwan, to lay snares for.
Ymbsittan, to sit around.
*Sið-fæt, II. 2. journey.
Slæcan, put off, procrastinate.
Asmeagung, meditation, investigation.
Smercian, to smirk, smile.
Gesmerian, i. q. smy'rian, to smear, anoint.
Smiltnes, serenity.
Snelnes, activity.
Snotornes, wisdom.
Sona swa, as soon as.
Besorgian, to sorrow for.
Ofstæ'nan, to stone.
Understandan, to dare, venture. Ger. unterstehen.
to establish, make good.
Ge-edstaðelian, to re-establish.
Strand, II. 2? strand, shore.
Gesund, sound, healthy: wel gesund, a form of salutation, all hail!
Suð-western, south-west.
Sweg-cræft, music.
Sweoðe, i. q. swiðe, very, valde.
Swerian, pret. swerede & swor, to swear. Gr. 240.
Andswerian, i. q. andswarian, to answer.
Geswerian, to swear.
Beswican, to delude.
*Swige, silence.
Swigian, to keep silence.
Forswigian, to conceal by keeping silence, reticere. Ger. verschweigen.
Swingan, pret swang, to strike.
Gesynscipas, nuptials; used generally in the plural, like gyfta.
*Besyrode, ensnared; from besyrian.