Page:The Annals of Our Time - Volume 1.djvu/22

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support and those resources which usually belong to a more mature age and to longer experience. I place my firm reliance upon the wisdom of Parliament, and upon the loyalty and affection of my people. I esteem it also a peculiar advantage that I succeed to a sovereign whose constant regard for the rights and liberties of his subjects, and whose desire to promote the amelioration of the laws and institutions of the country, have rendered his name the object of general attachment and veneration. Educated in England, under the tenrer and enlightened care of a most affectionate mother, I have learned from my infancy to respect and love the constitution of my native country. It will be my unceasing study to maintain the Reformed religion as by law established, securing at the same time to all the full enjoyment of religious liberty 5 and 1 shall steadily protect the rights, and promote to the utmost of my power the happiness and welfare, of all classes of my subjects." Her Majesty was also pleased to take and subscribe the oath relating to the security of the Church of Scotland, The Queen styled herself simply "Victoria," and not, as had been anticipated, " Alexandrina Victoria," a variation which led next day to certain alterations in the written rolls of the House of Lords and the printed form of oath used by members of the House of Commons.

21.—Proclamation of the Queen, Her Majesty left Kensington between 9 and 10 A.M. for St. James's Palace where she was received by members of the Royal family, Cabinet Ministers, and officers of the household, In a short time she made her appearance at the window of an ante-room adjoining the audience chamber, and was received with deafening cheers. Her Majesty was observed to look fatigued and pale, but acknowlelged the cheers which greeted her with ease and dignity. She was dressed in deep mourning, with white tippet, white cuffs, and a border of white lace under a small black bonnet, which was placed far back on her head, exhibiting her fair hair in front, parted over the forehead. Her Majesty was accompanied to the window by Lord Melbourne, Prime Minister, and Lord Lansdowne, President of the Council. In the courtyard beneath the window of the presence chamber was Garter King-at-arms, with heralds, pursuivants, and other officials in their robes of state. The proclamation read was uniform in phraseology with the declaration signed at yesterday's Privy Council. When Garter King-at-arms had ceased reading, the band played the National Anthem, and the Park and Tower guns pealed out a jubilant chorus. The City dignitaries then formed themselves into order of procession, and marched off to proclaim the Queen at various points within their jurisdiction.

22.—A royal message laid on the table of both Houses of Parliament, stating that it was inexpedient, in the judgment of her Majesty, that any new measure should be recommended for their adoption beyond such as might be requisite for carrying on the public service from the close of the present session to the meeting of the new Parliament. The debate which ensued was characterised by an entire unanimity as to the merits of the late King, though there was a wide difference of opinion regarding the policy of Ministers. When the Commons rose to-day, 521 members had taken the oath of allegiance to the Queen.

23.—At the close of a discussion to-night on the order of public business, Lord Lyndhuest took occasion to censure Ministers for their carelessness and incapacity. "During a session," he said, "which wanted only a few days of five months' duration, only two Acts of distinct and special legislation had been passed—the Post-Office Contracts and the Scottish Sedition Bills—while there was at the present date no fewer than seventy-five public bills depending in the other House. So far as the foreign policy of Ministers was concerned, it elicited the pity of their friends and excited the scorn and derision of their enemies."—Lord Melbourne endeavoured to defend his Ministry from what he described as "the bitter and vehement" attack of the learned ex-Chancellor.—In the Commons, Lord John Russell, when speaking of the Reform Act, said, "Her Majesty's Ministers, while they consider it a final measure (see July 3d, 1839), do not intend that it should remain a barren Act upon the Statute-book, but that it should be followed up in such a manner as would ennoble, invigorate, and enlarge the institutions of the country."

24.—Explosion at the Blaina Iron Work, Monmouthshire, resulting in the death of twelve workmen, about a third of the entire number employed in the workings. The calamity was thought to have been occasioned by one of the labourers venturing into an unsafe passage with a lighted candle.

— Mr. Montefiore (afterwards Sir Moses) chosen Sheriff of London; the first Jew elected to that office in England.

27.—Lord Langdale, Master of the Rolls, makes a decree on an information by the Attorney-General against the University and Corporation of Cambridge and others, relative to the mismanagement of Hobson's Workhouse and the misappropriation of the funds, especially of the sum bequeathed by John Bowtell for apprenticing poor boys. His lordship declared that the purposes for which the workhouse was used ought not to be continued, and that certain salaries which had been paid ought to cease. He referred it to the Master to take into account and settle a scheme for the future management of the charity.

— Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, and since the death of William IV. King of Hanover, enters his kingdom. He was favourably received by the people.

29.—The Times, looked upon as the organ of the Tory party, writes with great bitterness
