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where I dwell, oh my lord." So he said. "Go forth from here and live elsewhere," was it answered to Tolgom. Then he submitted and was made prisoner, and his body was taken with him. Gagavitz said to the warriors and the seven towns when Tolgom gave himself up: "We have made this spot glorious. Show forth the face of my prisoner, my captive. We will adorn and sacrifice my captive. We will be friends with him and stand in front of him, and thus celebrate the name of this spot, Qakbatzulu, as it is called by a joking people, oh chieftains." Such were the words addressed to all the warriors.

36. Therefore, they spoke thus: "Our brother, one child is the first and another the second among us. Hereafter we shall make this appear before the council, we the thirteen warriors. We will give to thee thy canopy, thy royal seat, thy carpet, thy throne, with power. These shall be called the two children of the Zotzil Tukuches, but thou shalt be the first man among the Ahpozotzils and the Ahpoxahils. They shall call thee forth to act; thou shalt be first among the warriors, thy brothers and thy elders, the Bacah Pok and the Bacah Xahils. They shall name thee equal to any in power and majesty, oh my brother." Thus they said, and his head was lifted above the others, and he was given the power by the Ahpozotzils and the Ahpoxahils, but not by us, the Zotzil Tukuches, nor by our brother and elder, the Bacah Pok and the Bacah Xahil, my children. Our fathers and ancestors said of old: "We have been chosen by the warriors in their great skill and wisdom; their bows and shields have created us." It was thus that our ancestors were first exalted by overcoming the greatness and the birth of many.

37. Then began the execution of Tolgom. He arrayed himself and entered suddenly. His arms were extended in front of a tree, to be shot with arrows. A dance was begun by all the warriors, while Tolgom began his song. They still danced, when they commenced to shoot their arrows. But not one of the arrows reached the cord; for