Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/115

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darkness and the night. At that time their dawn had not yet come; but not long after they did this it began to shine. They went upon the mountain Pulchich, and thence they set out.

This Is Their Day-Breaking.

39. The first who went forth were Gekaquch, Baqahol, Cibakihay and Cavek, who came together. You were the first, oh my house, oh my tribe, to bring about our day-breaking, our ancient nation, some time before the dawn. "Go forth," was said to them. Then they came to the place where their dawn was to be, to the mountains named Pantzic, Paraxone, Cinahihay, Pacibakul, and Pa Cavek and Quehil. There their dawn appeared, there they built houses, there took place the marriage of their chief named Nimahay. The first who built houses were those who came first, the Gekaquch, the Cibakihay and the Cavek. The last who arrived was Baqahol, and they had already commenced to build when he arrived. After he had come, Baqahol said to Gekaquch: "I, I am king, I received you." So said he to Gekaquch. At his arrival he had ardently desired the leadership. The others answered him: "Thou! no, thou art not our king; we do not wish you to be our king." So said they to him. Then he showed them a precious stone and said: "I will give you this precious stone carved with four feet, and hands and toes, if I am your chief." So he said. But that suited them not. Then he began to build himself a stronghold, and in a little while the labor was completed, for he ardently desired power and coveted it. For this reason his constructions were destroyed by the Chuluc Balam sent by Gagavitz, because Gagavitz liked it not that Baqahol desired the leadership. Therefore the constructions were destroyed by the animals Chuluc Balam when Gagavitz came to the places called Puhuhil and Paraxone, each of which was clothed with changing green. After that he arrived on Pantzic and Paraxone, and on his arrival the day-breaking took place.