Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/129

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When Tepeuh heard the report he rejoiced, and the Cakchiquels rejoiced, and the Zotzil Tukuches and the Ahtziquinahay rejoiced. Then they went forth to seek our ancestors.

The Arrival Again at the Woods Chigohom.

55. Returning, they arrived together, where were their wives. Therefore all the tribes rejoiced on seeing their faces, when they returned. Immediately they caused to be hanged and executed the Galel Xahil and Ahucham Xahil, and all their fame perished with them.

56. Then they entered in possession of the royal power. Caynoh was made Ahpop Xahil, and Caybatz was made Ahpop Qamahay. Both were kings, and their words were as one, when they assumed the royal power.

57. Caynoh and Caybatz begat sons and daughters. The first had four sons and the second five sons, making nine sons begotten by Caynoh and Caybatz. Terrifying was the fame of the magic power and wisdom of Gagavitz, Zactecauh, Caynoh and Caybatz.

58. Then Caynoh and Caybatz spoke thus: "Strong is now our royal power; we hold the rulership from our fathers; let our two sons partake of our power." So said they. Then a son of Caynoh was placed in possession of power and was made Ahuchan Xahil, and a son of Caybatz was placed on the throne and was made Galel Xahil. Thus we had four rulers, we the Xahila, and our royal power was established in the presence of our ancestors.

Death of Caynoh and Caybatz.

59. After the Galel Xahil and the Ahuchan Xahil had taken possession, the kings died. Immediately their posterity succeeded. Two by two they entered into power, and the two sons of the sons of Caynoh received homage