Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/13

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Preface, v
Introduction, 9
Ethnologic Position Of The Cakchiquels, 9
Culture Of The Cakchiquels, 13
The Capital City Of The Cakchiquels, 21
Computation Of Time, 28
Personal And Family Names, 32
Tribal Subdivisions, 33
Terms Of Affinity And Salutation, 34
Titles And Social Castes, 35
Religious Notions, 39
The Cakchiquel Language, 48
The Annals Of Xahila, 53
Synopsis Of The Annals, 60
Remarks On The Printed Text, 62
The Annals Of The Cakchiquels, by a Member of the Xahila Family, 66-194
Notes, 195-200
Vocabulary, 209
Index Of Proper Names, 229
