Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/141

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78. All these towns were conquered by Huntoh and Vukubatz, and by the king Qikab, when our ancestors settled at Chiavar and made that town.

Beginning Of The Revolt Against Qikab.

79. Then began a revolt against the king Qikab by the Quiche men; the family of the king was the cause of the contest. The family of the king perished with many of the people. The Quiches would not promise the homage as vassals which he asked of them. They wished that the roads should be free to the Quiche people, which the king would not grant. Therefore many of the people disliked the king and they would not pay him their dues. For this reason the Quiches turned against the king and his glory diminished.

80. The two sons of the king were already distinguished. Tatayac was the name of the one, Ah Itza the name of the other. Chituy and Quehnay were the two sons of these princes. These took the part of the Quiches, and the king was thus opposed to his own sons, who incited the people not to pay their dues, already irritated on account of their subjection; and thus it came that the king was against his own sons. Thus Tatayac and Ahitza were opposed to their father, for they coveted the royal power, and desired the precious stones, the metals, the slaves and people of their father. At this time there was a council of the Quiches against the warriors maintained by the king, and they began to put to death all those of the first rank in the royal service.

81. These are the names of those of the royal service: Herech, Tagunun, Xhutzuy, Eventec, Azacot, Camachal. Then all the populace and the heads of the tribes assembled together. His people did not assemble around the king that they might not be killed, and the houses of the rulers were entered by the people and the rulers were