Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/155

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of the mountain, burning everything on the way. They met in conflict the battahons from Tibaqoy and Raxakan, and closed the road to those of Galeah, of Pazaki uleuh and Ginoma.

92. Then all the men took up their bows, their shields and various weapons, awaiting the arrival of the enemies.

The Destruction of the Quiches.

93. When the dawn appeared, they (the Quiches) descended from the hills, the cries and shouts of war broke forth, the banners were displayed; then were heard the drums, the trumpets and the conches of the combatants. Truly this descent of the Quiches was terrible. They advanced rapidly in rank, and one might see afar off their bands following one another, descending the mountain. They soon reached the banks of the river, the houses by the water. They were followed by the chiefs Tepepul and Iztayul, accompanying the god. Then it was that the battalions met. Truly the encounter was terrible. The cries and the shouts, the noise of the drums, the trumpets and the conches resounded, mingled with the enchantments of the heroes. The Quiches were routed in all directions, not one fought, they were put to flight and delivered over to death, and no one could count their slain. A great number of them were taken prisoners, together with the kings Tepepul and Iztayul, who delivered up their god. Thus the Galel-achi, the Ahpop-achi, the grandson and son of the chief jeweler, the treasurer, the secretary and the chief engraver and all the people were put to the sword. The Quiches who were then killed by the Cakchiquels were not counted by eight thousand or sixteen thousand; so said our fathers and ancestors, O my children. Such were the deeds of the kings Oxlahuh Tzy and Cablahuh Tihax, as also of Vooymox and Rokelbatzin. Thus, and not otherwise, did they make glorious the city of Iximche.