Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/167

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The day 8 Ah was one year after the Revolt.

107. It was not much less than two years after the defeat of the Tukuches, when the Tzutuhils were defeated at Zakcab on the day 1st Ahmak. The Tzutuhils were cut to pieces and their rulers Nahtihay and Ahqibihay were slain. Only Vookaok, the Ahtziquinahay, could not be conquered, and he tried his fortune against the Cakchiquels.

The day 5 Ah was two years after the Revolt.

The day 2 Ah was three years after the Revolt.

108. On the day 3 Queh there was a revolt in Quiche. The Tukuches went to take part, and joined in the revolt in Quiche.

The day 12 Ah completed the fourth year after the Revolt.

109. During the fifth year those of Mixco were put to death; being tributaries of the king Cablahuh Tihax, they wished to make themselves independent. On the day 7 Camay, the town of Mixco was taken and its inhabitants slain by the chiefs.

110. At the same time were put to death the Yaquis of Xivico, because they had taken part with the king Vookaok, Chief of the Akahals, this nation of the Akahals having begun to lift itself before the town, desiring to obtain power.

111. Six days were wanting to complete five years from the revolt when the Akahals were cut in pieces before the town, with their king, because they wished to be independent of the town.