Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/171

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or his grandeur diminished; he undertook many wars and conquered many cities. These are the children he begat: —

115. Hunyg was the name of his first son, and he obtained the power when the king Oxlahuh tzy his father died, and all four of the tribes gave their consent that Hunyg should be chief Vakaki Ahmak was the name of the second son; Noh was the third; Beleheqat the fourth; Imox the fifth, Maku Xguhay was the name of the queen, wife of the king Oxlahuh tzy. She had three children, oldest of whom was the king Hunyg. He had also two other wives, each of whom was mother of part of the children of the king; and the mother of the king (Hunyg) had also Beleheqat.

The day 8 Ah completed the 14th year after the Revolt.

116. Then died the king Cablahuh Tihax; this king died on the day 4 Ey.

The day 5 Ah completed the 15th year after the revolt.

117. Then began also to reign the king Lahuh Noh, eldest son of the king Cablahuh Tihax. At this time the Yaquis of Culuacan were received by the kings Hunyg and Lahuh Noh. The Yaquis arrived on the day 1 Toh, sent by the king Modeczumatzin, king of the Mexicans.

118. And we ourselves saw these Yaquis of Culuacan when they arrived; and they came in old times in great number, these Yaquis, O my children, during the reign of our ancestor Hunyg and Lahuh Noh.

The day 2 Ah completed the 16th year after the Revolt.