Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/179

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Names of (our) Ancestors, Sons of the King.

131. The counselor Balam, the oldest son of the king Hunyg, was already distinguished before the face of the chieftains when he died by the great plague.

132. Ahmak was the name of the second son. His son is Don Pedro Solis. Tohin was the third. There is no record of him, as he died with the king and our three fathers.

133. Our father Francisco, the counselor Tzian, was the fourth son.

134. Balam was the fifth son; there is no record of him.

135. Ahtzalam Hunahpu was the sixth son. He was saved from the plague with our three other ancestors. As for us, we were then little children, and we all escaped, and we saw all the pestilence, O my children. These are the names of our female ancestors: the first wife of king Hunyg was the queen Chuvytzut; she had three sons, our father, the father of Don Pedro Solis, and Tohin, who left no children. The queen Chuvytzut being dead, the queen Xgekaqueh, the female Ahtziquinahay, took her place. She was the mother of the Counselor Tzian Balam, and these were her two children.

136. A hundred days after the death of the kings Hunyg and Lahuh Noh, there were elected as kings Cahi Ymox and Belehe Qat, on the day 1 Can. For Belehe Qat alone remained. As for us we were little boys and our elders did not choose any of us. Tzian and Balam, the only other descendants of Hunyg, were also young. Belehe Qat was therefore chosen to rule but only as heir apparent, the orator Baqahol declaring that it was not proper that he should take the supreme rule. The honor