Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/185

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So spoke the messenger of Tunatiuh to the chiefs. Immediately the words of Tunatiuh were published, and 400 men went forth to the slaughter of the Quiches; but they were only those of the city, the other warriors refusing to obey the chiefs. Only three times did the warriors go forth to enforce the tribute on the Quiches; then we also were taken by Tunatiuh, O my children.

How They Now Came to Iximche.

148. It was on the day 1 Hunahpu when the Castilians arrived at Iximche with their chief, Tunatiuh. The people went forth to meet Tunatiuh with the chiefs Belehe Qat and Cahi Ymox. Good was the heart of Tunatiuh when he entered the city with the chiefs. There was no fighting and Tunatiuh rejoiced when he entered Iximche. Thus did the Castilians enter of yore, O my children; but it was a fearful thing when they entered; their faces were strange, and the chiefs took them for gods. We, even we, your father, saw them when they first set foot in Iximche, at the palace of Tzupam, where Tunatiuh slept. The chief came forth, and truly he frightened the warriors; he came from his chamber and called the rulers: "Why do you make war with me, when I also can make it?" said he. "Not at all. Why should so many warriors find their death? Do you see any pitfalls among them?" So replied the chiefs, and he went to the house of the chief Chicbal.

149. Then Tunatiuh agreed to join the chiefs in their wars, and the chiefs said to him: — "O thou God, we have two wars, one with the Tzutuhils, one at Panatacat." Thus spake the chiefs. Only five days after, Tunatiuh went forth from the capital. Then the Tzutuhils were conquered by the Castilians. It was the day 7 Camey that the Tzutuhils were destroyed by the Castilians.