Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/191

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157. During the tenth year the war continued with the Castilians. But the Castilians having received aid in this tenth year at Xepau, carried on the war with such vigor that they destroyed the forces of the nation.

158. Tunatiuh then went forth from Xepau, and so harassed us that the people would not come before him. There were lacking one hundred and twenty days to complete two years since we had abandoned the capital, now deserted, when Tunatiuh came there on his march in order to set fire to the city. On the day 4 Camey, two years less six months after the beginning of the war, he set fire to the capital and returned.

On the day 12 Ah was completed the 30th year after the Revolt.

159. In the course of this year we breathed for a little, as did also the kings Cahi Ymox and Belehe Qat. They had not lost all hope before the Castilians, and they maintained themselves at Holombalam, O my children.

160. One year and twenty days had passed since the places had been made desolate by Tunatiuh, when the Castilians arrived at Chiixot. On the day 1 Caok our slaughter by the Castilians began. They fought with the nation and persisted in war. Death ravaged us again, but the whole country continued to refuse tribute. There was not much lacking of the 31st year after the revolt when they came to Chiixot.

On the day 9 Ah was completed the 31st year after the Revolt.

161. In the course of the following year, while the Castilians were engaged in war, Chiixot was abandoned. Then Bulbuxya was occupied by the Castilians. During this year the war was continued, but the whole country refused the tribute.