Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/197

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spoken to us of the doctrine of God. There were also the fathers of St. Francis, Father Alamicer and Father Clerico, with those of St. Dominic, who spoke to us. They translated the Doctrina into our language, and we were soon instructed by them.

On the day 6 Ah was completed the fifth year of the third cycle.

On the day 3 Ah was completed the sixth year of the third cycle after the revolt.

On the day 13 Ah was completed the seventh year.

175. In the course of the year our fathers of St. Dominic separated from those of St. Francis, on account of ashes; the latter went away. Ashes were not given by our Fathers of St. Dominic; therefore, those of St. Francis went away.

On the day 10 Ah was completed the 8th year of the third cycle.

On the day 7 Ah was completed the 9th year of the third cycle after the revolt.

176. In the course of the year the licentiate Don Juan Roxer arrived.

They Begin to Group the Houses.

One hundred and six days after they had really begun to teach us the word of God, then they commenced to gather together the houses in groups, by order of the ruler, Juan Roser, and the people came forth from their caves and ravines. On the day 7 Caok the capital was repeopled, and we were there with all the tribes.

On the day 4 Ah was completed the loth year of the third cycle after the revolt.

On the day 1 Ah was completed the nth year of the third cycle after the revolt.

177. In the course of the year the President Cerrado arrived, while the licentiate Pedro Ramirez was still here. When he arrived he condemned the Castilians; he set free the slaves and prisoners of the Castilians, diminished by one-half the imposts, put an end to forced