Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/199

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were celebrating the feast of the circumcision. The governor Cerrado was here when he arrived. When the Doctor Quexata had almost arrived, the President Cerrado died. There was but little between them. Then the Doctor Quexata died. He did not condemn any one, because he had no time. But the ruler Cerrado condemned (the Castilians), for he did what was right. About the same time died the chief Don Francisco Ahpozotzil; it was on the day 1 Can, a Monday, the 14th day of the month October, that he died. It was in this year that he died that the nativity of our Saviour Jesus Christ came on the day 1 Batz.

On the day 9 Ah was completed the 17th year of the third cycle.

182. Forty days after the death of the chief Don Francisco, died our Father Fray Domingo de Vico in Acalan. Truly, with great tortures was he put to death by the tribe. Twenty days after the death of our father in Acalan, Father Fray Francisco de la Para was exiled by the bishop and the ruler Ramirez, This took place on Easter day.

On the day 6 Ah was completed the i8th year of the third cycle.

183. At this time died Alonzo de Pazon, the day 12 Ganel.

In the 13th month of the year, the day of Sanctiago at Pangan occurred on the day 1 Tziquin. On that day the Castilians at Pangan had great rejoicings, because on that day was inaugurated as supreme monarch over in Castile the Emperor Don Peliphe. There were then three rulers, the Prince Ramirez, the Doctor Mercia and Louaisa. They held court at Panchoy. In the 14th month of the year, after this day of Sanctiago, there came an order from Ramirez. He imposed a tribute on members of the nobility among the people. He also made provision for the surplusage of the tribute. There had never been a surplus under the chiefs; it was known to be stolen, but no one knew by whom. The maize tax was reduced and that of roast fowls, and none of the chiefs could steal anything from the surplus. This order of Ramirez was promulgated on the day of St. Francis,