Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/229

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Yuku, n. A rope or cord. Varea.

Yuyub, n. Shouts.

Yx, pron. You.

Yxim, n. Maize (the grains).

Yꜭo, v. To pass over; to go from one place to another.

Ꜫa, n. The hand, the arm.

Ꜫaba, v. To place supports; to strengthen; to extend the hands.

Ꜫahan, v. To sound, to resound; to snore, etc.

Ꜫahar, v. To expend, to expand.

Ꜫahartizah, v. To praise, to commend.

Ꜫalaba, v. To cause misfortune, to make miserable.

Ꜫalah, adj. n. Something clear, apparent, manifest.

Ꜫalel. See p. 37.

Ꜫalibal, n. Seat, see, throne. "Asieñto del señor principal." Coto. See p. 20.

Ꜫam, n. Bridge, stairs.

Ꜫana abah, n. A color. See p. 204.

Ꜫan, adj. Yellow; ripe; rich.

Ꜫaramaꜫ, n. Nation, confederation.

Ꜫat, v. To cut, in general; hence, to decide a question; to ford a river; to die early, etc.

Ꜫavonon, n. A yellow bug; from ꜫan, yellow, and Vonon, bug. (Guzman).

Ꜫax, v. 1. To pass, to pass over. 2. To bring forth, to give birth to.

Ꜫaꜫ, n. Fire.

Ꜫaꜫal, n. Distinction, greatness.

Ꜫek, adj. Black; dark.

Ꜫekal, n. Blackness, darkness.

Ꜫekum, n. The darkness of the night.

Ꜫih, n. The sun; a day; a time or epoch; an occasion or opportunity; the sign or constellation under which one is born; hence, fate or fortune. Ahꜫih, the diviner; cholol ꜫih, to cast the horoscope.

Ꜫihib, v. To divine, to predict, to tell fortunes.

Ꜫil, v. To prevent, impede, harass.

Ꜫinom, adj. Rich. n. riches.

Ꜫiomah, n. This appears to be a form of ꜫinomah, riches.