Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/95

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among the trees, among the birds; one might hear the trees speak and the birds call. They said, when one listened: "What is this that we hear? Who is this?" said they. And the branches of the trees in the forest murmured, and the tigers and birds called one to another. Therefore that spot is called Ꜭhitibal, "The Place of Disquiet."

23. They departed thence. Once for all we shall mention the names of these various places: Belehchigag, Belehchi Hunahpu, Xecuh, Xetocoy, Xeuh, Xeamatal Chii, Tzunun Choy, Mount Xecucu, Mount Tzunun, Xiliviztan, Zunpancu, Tecpalan, Tepuztan. They then descended to Cholamag and Zuchitan. Truly, the language there was difficult, and the barbarians alone knew to speak their language. We inquired only of the barbarians, Loxpin and Chupichin, and we said to them when we arrived: "Vaya, vaya, ela, opa." They were surprised when we spoke their language to those of Cholamag, and many of them were frightened, but we received only good words.

24. They went to the places, Meme and Tacna, for the second time. They could not speak well, hence the name Mem. Truly, they were good people. They spoke to mock us, and we remained to learn their language. They said to us: "Thou our lord, remain with us; we are thy elder and younger brother; abide with us," said they. They wished us to forget our speech, but our heart was as a stone when we arrived with them.

25. These were also a part of the names of the places: they went to Zakiteuh and Zakiqua, the midst of Tubinal, the midst of Chacachil, Tzulahauh which reaches to the sky, the midst of Nuüxor, the midst of Moinal, the midst of Carchah. They passed over with the sons of Valil and the sons of Tzunun. They went forth from Merac and Nacxit. Truly this one (Nacxit) was a great lord, and the vassals who aided him to seize the sovereignty