Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/97

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were themselves rulers and chieftains. He invested Orbaltzam, and said that his name should be Cinpual Taxuch. Truly he finished by making himself the most dear of all men to all the warriors by the words spoken to all by this lord Nacxit: "You have come to be the stone framework, the support of my house; I will give to you sovereignty, and give you Cinpuval Taxuch." So said he to all the warriors. "I have not placed the stones of the others," so said he to them. And thus they came to erect the stone framework. Therefore, Nacxit completed the appointment of a companion in the sovereignty, and they cried out aloud with joy.

26. Then they met those of Mimpokom and Raxchich, at the place called Tzaktzuy. They met all the subjects of the Pokomams. They dance their ballet, but it is without deers, without birds, without pheasants, without the trappers and their nets. The subjects of Raxchich and Mimpokon gather together; but the seven nations look on at a distance. They sent out the brute Zakbim as a spy; and on our side were summoned the Qoxahil and the Qobakil, magicians, enchanters. On their departure, they were told: "Let us see who are approaching, and if we are to fight." So it was said. Those of Mukchee arrived, but they were in no great number, nor had they come to spy out. The signal was given by Zakbin, while Huntzuy came into line. "Now I see them," they said. "This is really a wonderful thing, a wonderful dance they are making; there are many under the trees." So spoke they on arriving. Thus said Gagavitz and Zactecauh to their companions: "Let us take up our arms if we are to fight." Immediately all took up their bows and shields, and thus arrayed showed themselves to the Pokomams. At once terror struck the Pokomams, and ours rushed forth to seize them in their disorder.

27. Then they encountered the two, Loch and Xet by name; they encountered them there at the foot of the mountains Cucu and Tzunun. These said when they