Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/99

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were encountered, "Do not kill us, O thou our lord; we will be the servants of your throne, of your power." So they said, and entered at once as vassals, each one carrying the bows and drums. Going on, a return was made, and they were hindered by some calabash vines, and were ensnared and scattered. Therefore, that place was called Tzaktzuy, and the Ahquehay took it as their sign, that is, those first fathers and ancestors who brought forth the Ahquehay. This is why they took it, it is said, and such is the name of the place. They chose a portion of the tribe, oh you my children, and truly thus it was that our first fathers and ancestors brought us forth and gave us existence — us, the Cakchiquel people.

28. Then they went forth to meet those at the place Oronic Cakhay, and all the warriors of the seven villages arrived. Then spoke Gagavitz and Zactecauh to the Quiche men: "Let us all go to the place. Let us conquer the glory of all the seven villages of Tecpan, let us weaken their hearts; do thou count their faces, do thou stand here at the place Cakhay; I shall enter the place Cakhay; I shall conquer them; their heart shall be weakened; there, in the place, they shall be conquered, where they never before were conquered." Thus they spake when they ordered the slaughter, when they were in Cakhay; then it began with all of them in the place, and their hearts were weakened. But on account of the defence with water, and the defence with cinders, they could not enter the place, and their hearts were weakened. Then it was said: "O thou lord, I will give thee the venison and the honey. I am the lord of the venison, the lord of the honey; but I have not passed because of the cinders," it was said. Thus the venison and the honey were protected by means of the cinders. They went from there to Tunacotzih, "the sounding stone." There Loch and Xet made trial of the bows and drums, and they beat their drums; therefore the name of that spot is Tunacotzih, "the Drum-beating."