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and cover of their army. The first vessel taken, had the son of Lieutenant Colonel Schollheins, of Prince Charles of Lorraine's regiment, and one corporal and one pioneer on board, with some baggage belonging to his father. There was some money found, which, partly from the species, and partly from the manner of its being made up, was concluded to be pay for the troops, and therefore detained, together with the corporal and pioneer, and all the little implements of war they had with them. As for the lieutenant-colonel's son, he is but a boy, and not of an age to be regarded as an enemy; for which reason I have fent him ashore to be returned to his father, with all his and his father's things: and have wrote to his father, that, upon his giving me his honour, that the money is truly his private property, it shall be returned. The other vessel that was taken, had on board Major de Bertrand, M. Von Longen, commissary of war; M. Trajane, adjutant de la place; N. Le Bouffe, lieutenant of artillery, and a guard of private men, with three hostages, which they had carried off from Embden, viz. Eodo Wilhelm Zur Michlen, doctor of laws, president of the college de Quarantes, and administrator of the royal and provincial college at Aurich; Baron Vone Hane, of Leci, administrator at Embden; and Haiko George Eden, administrator of Leer. M. Eodo Wilhelm Zur Michlen, received a shot in the vessel during the scuffle, but it is not dangerous. From him I had the account already given to their lordships, of the happy effect the presence of his majesty's two ships have produced, by occasioning the sudden evacuation of the enemy out of the town of Embden."

An account arrived, that on the 28th of February, between Cape de Gatt and Carthagena, Admiral Osborn fell in with M. du Quesne in the [1] Foudroyant of 80, the Orpheus of 64, the Oriflame of 50, and the Pleiade of 24 guns, which were the four ships sent from Toulon to reinforce M. de Clue at Carthagena. On seeing the English squadron they immediately disperfed and steered different courses. About seven in the evening, Captain Storr in the Revenge of 64, supported by Captain Hughes in the Berwick of 64, and Captain Evans in the Preston of 50 guns, took the Orpheus, commanded by M. de Harville, with 502 men. Captain Gardiner, in the Monmouth of 64, supported by Captain Stanhope in the Swiftsure of 70, and Captain Hervey, in the Hampton-court of 64 guns, about one in the morning, took the Foudroyant, on board of which was the Marquis du Quesne, chief d'Escadre, with 800 men. Captain Rowley, in the Montagu of 60, and Captain Montagu, in the Monarch of 74 guns, run the Oriflame a-shore, under the castle of Aiglois; and had it not been forviolating

  1. The length of Le Foudroyant, at Gibraltar, taken from her carpenter's account, is
    Feet Fr. Feet Eng. In.
    From her stern to the taffarel 171 185 3
    Length of her keel 144 156

    being 12 feet longer than an English first rate; her extreme breadth about 50 feet, nearly the same with our first rate.