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boy, by Vandyck, for 126l.—The baptism of our Saviour, by Albano, for 120l. 15s.—Our Saviour asleep, and the Virgin watching over him, by Guido, for 328l. 13s.—The Virgin, with Jesus asleep in her lap, by Vandyck, for 211l. 1s—Boors at Cards, by D. Teneirs, for 85l. 1s.—Four pieces, by Paul Brill, Rubens, Gillis, and Van Breughel, for 551l. 5s.—Jacob parting from Laban, by F. Bassano, for 115l. 10s.—Departure of Rinaldo from Armida, by Le Brun, for 73l. 10s.—A landscape and figures, by G. Pouffin, for 109l. 4s.—The Virgin, our Saviour, and St. John, by Correggio, for 220l. 10s.—A conversation of boors, by D. Teneirs, for 157l. 10s.—Tent of Darius, by Le Brun, for 127l. 1s.—St. Peter repenting, by Guido, for 288l. 15s.—A capital picture of an holy family, by Raphael, for 703l. 10s.

29th. Whitehall. An express arrived with advice that Schweidnitz surrendered on the 16th instant, and the garrison was forced to surrender itself prisoners of war. It consisted of 230 officers, and 3200 private men. The blockade has besides cost the enemy 3500 men, who have perished by diseases.

The first stone of a new bridge, to be built in pursuance of an act of Parliament, from Brentford to Kew, was laid in the presence of a great number of persons of quality and distinction.


1st. The trustees of Raine's hospital met in pursuance of their advertisement, and having selected six maidens educated therein, who were strongly recommended by their masters and mistresses, the lot was drawn according to the will of the founder, in the presence of a polite and numerous assembly, for the prize of 100l. for a marriage portion, which fell upon Anne Netherland, who went out of the hospital in the year 1743, and is to be married on the 5th of November next, when 5l. as by him directed, will be expended on a wedding dinner; and the five unsuccessful girls will, with another then to be added, draw again for 100l. to be paid on May-day following.

3d. A young lady, who at Newmarket had laid a considerable wager, that he could ride 1000 miles in 1000 hours, finished her match in a little more than two thirds of the time. At her coming in, the country people strewed flowers in her way.

8th. Florence Henley, M. D. who had been some time in custody for holding a treasonable correspondence with the enemy, was brought before the court of King's Bench, and ordered to prepare for trial the first of June.

The Marquis du Quesne, chief d'Escadre, lately taken prisoner in the Foudroyant, arrived in London.

9th. At the anniversary meeting of the president and governors of the London lying-in hospital in Aldersgate-street, the collection at church and at hall amounted to 611l. 10s. 10th.

10th. Was held the annual general meeting of the hospital for the maintenance of exposed and deserted young children, when a general committee for the year ensuing was elected by ballot. It appears, that since this charity has been made general by parliamentary provision, near 6000 infants haveannually