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At the anniversary feast of the natives of Gloucestershire, held at Gloucester, for the putting out of poor boys to trades, 157l. was collected by the gentlemen for that laudable purpose.

10th. Soon after morning service at St. John, Wapping, the neighbourhood was alarmed with the cry of fire, which spread a general consternation among the inhabitants. The house of Mr. Hughes, sail-maker, adjoining to Gun-dock, was all in flames in an instant, and communicated itself to a biscuit baker's adjoining, and with irresistable fury burnt down 15 houses on both sides the way before water could be had to supply the engines, it being then ebb-tide. Numbers of the unhappy sufferers had their goods carried off by persons who pretended to assift them in their distress, some of whom are in custody. A large ship that was repairing at Gun-dock, was set on fire, and her rigging and tops burnt away, and had they not taken the precaution to cut away her bowsprit, the vessel must have been entirely burnt, as she lay close to the houses.

11th. A gentleman was stopt in Holborn about 12 at night by two footpads, who, on the gentleman's making resistance, shot him dead, and then robbed him. The villains have been since apprehended.

12th. In the afternoon, the Shrewsbury man of war joined the Unicorn and Lizard, and soon got sight of a great number of small coasting vessels, under convoy of the Calipso, and Thetis frigates, and an armed snow, working for Brest. The greatest part escaped by running into the pass of Toulinguet; and the Lizard got between the pass and the frigates, and engaged them both bravely for above two hours, when the Thetis sheered off, and run in for the rocks at the mouth of Pool Davit, and the Calipfo with about twenty of the small craft run in upon the rocks near Point de Levun, where it was supposed they must all perish, it being a lee shore, and the swell of the sea very great. The Lizard had one man killed and eight wounded.

14th. His majesty's ships Kingston and Burford arrived at Plymouth from Louisbourg, with the transports, having the garrison of Louisbourg on board under their convoy———His majesty was pleased to make a present of 500l. to the Captains Amherst and Edgecombe, who jointly brought the news of the taking of this important fortress; and to order a further sum to each of those gentlemen to purchase a sword and ring.

15th. While two serjeants and a corporal were employed in making up cartridges in the exchange at Morpeth, the powder took fire, and above 1000 cartridges were blown up. The three men were terribly burnt, and the recovery of one of the serjeants is despaired of. The windows of the exchange were much shattered, and the consequences would have been still more dreadful, had not 3000 cartridges, and two sacks of powder which were upon the table, providentially escaped.

16th. The cannon and mortars taken at Cherbourg passed by his majesty, and set out from Hyde-Park, and came through the city in grand procession, guarded by a company of matresses, withdrums