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tention, that the fubjefts of your high mightinefTes fhould fully en- joy all the privileges and immuni- ties refulting from the treaty of 1674, fo far as the tenor of it is not derogated from by the prefent accommodation.

III. As to the third article, as foon as your high mightinefTes (hall havp agreed with his majefty on the points which I have men- tioned in his name, it will be eafily fettled,

JV. The fourth article contains complaints for which perhaps there is too much foundation, by the violences committed by Englilh privateers, or veiTels pretending to be fuch. His majefty is fincersly grieved that fuch diforders fliotsld have been committed, to the dif- grace of his fubjedts. The whole ration joins with the king in en- deavouring to fupprefs thofe rob- beries. I take the liberty to com- municate to yoa the orders ifl'ued by the admiralty of Great Britain againft fuch behaviour j and, for the honour of the merchants of London, I mufl add the advertife-

Tient pub!i!hed by them, oftering

a reward for difccvering the of- fenders. His msjefty intreats your high raightirrefTes to affiil him on this occafion, by exhorting your fubjefts : to bring to jullice the authors of thofe offences: in which they, may depend on the utmoft proredtion and encouragement. As to the reft, the king is aftonifoed, that after fo many applications made here for obtaining proofs o£ the fafls ajledged, not one, not-- withftanding the reward offesadi, is gone ovet to England'.to' give evidence,' ■ f.N ,w> .-.■siiix

- i take the' liberty to:'refer'tothB contents of my firll^rticie for 'an aiifwer to the fifth reibiutio.^ of



your high mightinefTes; only add- ing, that his majefty will with pleafure agree to any method that fhall be propofed to him for au- thenticating the genuinenefs of fhip-papers, in v>'hich point too many abiifes have been committed.'* Hague, Aug. 2.

The Count d'Afty, the French ambaffador, prefented the following memorial to the States General, July 25.

'* High and Mighty Lords,

«' On the repeated folicitationa v.'hich M. de Bsrkenrode hath been ordered to make, and on thofe which the counfellor penfionary hath often made, particularly of late, that the king my mafter would be gracioufly pleafed to grant a bounty on herrings taken by the Dutch, and imported into France; his majefty authorifes me to declare to your high mighcinelTe?^ that he is difpofed to grant your fubjedls fuch bounty; which ftiall be irame- di.itely fettled at Paris, agreeably to the inilruftions which your high mightinefTes fhall be pleafed to fend on that head to Mr. Berkenrods voar affibafTador.

The king my mafter has deter- mined to grant this favour to the republic,, from his frjendlliip for her, and his alTurance . that tha republic v.ill never depart from that fyftem t)f equity and neutrality^ which iliehath adopted with.regard to the prefent war."

The Coun: d'Afrry, the French ambaiTador,. prefented to the States General a memorial on Jan. 25, ■ulr. 'fromvvbwh' we .Giall.give fuch «xtra3s a^ are a- reply to Oolonel Yorker's mcrfcorial.' • 1. > . ■' .*' Your high'-'AsghtlnefiTes were informed in tfie month of July laft, ■that the king my jnafter, find the emprefs queen of Hungary and L 2 Bohe^