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and the equipment of a fleet, room complaint of the great damage will not be given for a fchifm which their vcflel-i and cargoes con- anJ dangerous divifion among the tinue to fufFt--r by the EngHfh, The confederates, the confcquences of deputies therefore take the liberties which would be very deplorable, to put your ' royal highnefs in while the republic in the menn time mind, that |he firft time that will remain in a defencclcfs flate, their confidence in ybur highneis's both by fea and hind, and depend ef]uiiy led rhem to have recourfe upon the arbitrary power of its to you, their principals, who had' neighbours. the jut^eft ground of ccmp'aint. We therefore moil earneilly in- forefaw ct that time the. total treat vour noble mightinffies, as ruin of our navigation and com- you value the fafety of ihe country, merce : That, on that account, and all that is dear no you, as'you yo'or roya! highnefs graciouOy pro- regard the prr.tcflion of the good mifed powerfully to fupport their inhabit.ints, and as you value ihe jiifl complaints in the aff-Tnbly cf concord and good harmony, which the States G'-neral, and even to at all time?, but efpecially in thie make remantlrances in Vour own prefent danger, is of the laft ne- name to' tlie Britifh court, pro- ceffiiy, that you wi 1 f; rioufly re- vide'd the Icfles were properly at- flf ft upon the exhortation'-, of her tailed: T[iat the merchants of royal highnefs, and on the in- the province Immediately drew fiances of the majority of the' up a lift of'the vefTels thiit had confederates, and take a wife a;id been carried either into the ports falutary refolution with regard to' of Great Biitaiii, or thcfe of her the propofed augmentation of the colonies, with arl elHmate of the land forces; fo that this augmenta- v^lue of the cargoes, and a de- tion, together with an equipmeiit tail of the enormous robberies by fea, may, the fooncr th? bettgr, comti^ittcd by Enghfh privateers be unanimoufiy brought to a con- on board thofe VefTels ; the whole clufion. accompanied vvith original and Thus concluding, noble and credible attcllations : That, net mighty lords, we pray God Al- content with having refpeftfully mighty to keep your mightinelles delivered thofe inconteliib'e proofs in his holy procfftion, &c. Sit.** to their high rnightincfles, and to Hague, Nov. 7. your highnefs in private, the A derutuiion of the mofl emi- body cf merchants took the liberry nent merchants of Amilcrdam ar- to prefent in writing, and verbal y, rived here; and after vifiting the how much it imported the welfare penfionary and the prefident of the of the province^ to take proper mca- week, waited on her royal highnefs fures for putting an end to fuch the princefs reg-^nt, to whom they unjull depredations, and for ob-. delivered the following memorial. taining reparation for fo great'

    • The merchants of this pro- lofles. T:iat iu the fecond au-

vince'who have the honour to ob- dience which your royal highnels tain an audience of your royal was pleated to give them, upon highnefs for the third time, fitid frelli complaints, your royal high- themfelves obliged to renew their nefs declared, tha: the fubfcquent

- ' damage