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utmort fplendor on thofe princes and kings whom we know lo be attached to the holy fee ; and therefore we have thought proper to contribute particularly to the exaltation of your Apollolic ma- jefty, and of your kingdom of Hungary. We cannot do this more efFedually, than by confirm- ing, as far as in us lies, by our papal authority and power, this apoUolical denomination. We therefore, of our own proper mo- tion, certain knowledge, and ple- nitude of apoilolic authority, in- veft, honour, and decorate your majefty, as Qjjcen of Hungary, and your fucceflbrs in that king- dom, with the title and denomi- nation of Apollolic Queen ; will- ing that all, and every one, {hall name and acknowledge you, and your fucceflbrs, for Apoilolic Queen.

Receive then, dearly beloved daughter in Chritl, this title joy- fully ; not, however, as a mark of that power which the vanity of the age, and a deceitful ambi- tion may invent, but as a fymbol of a chriftian fubmiffion to Jefus Chrill, by whom alone the true calory of your kingdom can fubfill for ever. This title you receive as a telHmony or recompence of your zeal for the propagation of the catholic religion ; a zeal, which hath been tranlmitted to you by a long feries of anceflors, which you have kept up, and which increafes in you more and more. Tranfmit thi.^ title of honour and fplendor to the bell and bell-be- loved of fon>, that fon who fhall pofiefs the whole glory of his mo- ther's inheritance. Receive this brief as the pledge and the firil- fruiis of the paternal love and uf-

fedlion, which we bear towards your Apollolic myj'-fty ; and we give you, dearly beloved daughter in Chrill Jefus, moft tenderly our apollolic benedidlion.

Rome, Auguft 25."

Tranflation of the inftru£lion> given by the States of Courland and Semigallia to Mr. Schopping, whom they fent as their deputy to Warfaw, about the eleflion of a. new duke.

" I. He (hall, with the moll profound refpeft, alTure his ma- jelly, our moll gracious king and lord paramount, of the inviolable obedience and fidelity of thefc duchies, and moil humbly recom- mend them to his majcily's pa- ternal benevolence and protec- tion.

2. He (hall moft refpeafully befeech his majelly, and the moll illullrioDs republic, to procure the releaie of the unfortunate duke and his family,

3. His excellency Count Ma- lachowlki, high chancellor cf the crown, having written to the Hates, that it was in vain to hope any longer for the releafe of that duke and his male ilTue : and M. Simolin, miniller-refident from her majelly the emprefs of all the Ruffias in thefe duchies, having declared and confirmed the fame thing, by order of his court, add- ing, that her imperial majelly of all the Ruffias would be glad to fee his roval highnefs Prince Charles of Poland elefted Duke of Courland ; and her imperial Czarifh majelly having given the like inllruflions to her minifter at Warfaw ; the deputy mull alfo reprefent to the high chancellor o: the crown, thai, according to

