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tionof the houfe of Aufirla, which that princefs which attacked the

was efteded by the peace of Aix-la- king's dominions. Chapelle, with the blood of his The emprefs queen fends com-

fobjeds, and by means of the moil mifTaries to Hanover, who are to

important conquefts of his crown, fhare, and a<5^ually did (hare, with

He hath endeavoured to maintain the crown of France in the contri-

the imperial crown in that houfe, butions. She rejeifls all propofals

by negotiations for the eleclion ot a of peace; fhe difmiffes the kinj:;'s

king of the Romans. The treaty minilicrs from her court ; and after

of fuccefiion concluded with the the Divine Providence, according

Duke of Modena, and the aggran- to its righteous ways, had, by a

difement refulting from it to the viftory granted to the king's army,

houfe of Auftria, was owing to his delivered the electorate from its

majefiy's friendihip for it. enemies, when we were endea-

Inftead of a recorapence, inflead vcuring to hinder the French

of performing the tender protefta- troops from entering it a fecond

tionsof regard and gratitude, which time, as they threatened, and as

his majefty then received from her all the world knows, his imperial

majeity the emprefs queen, and majelry, who, by virtue of the ca-

which his magnanimity hinders him pitulation which he has fworn,

from making public ; inltead of the ought * to protacl the empire, and

obfervaticn due to the moll folemn ' at all times confider the eledors

treaties, her majePty the emprefs queen refufes him the aifiilance which (he ought to give him againll an invafion, proceeding wholly

  • as its internal members and main
  • pillar5, and oppofe the entrance
  • of foreign troops deftined to op-

prefs the dates of the empire,'

from the hatred of France, which finds it his duty, without making

his Britannic majefty has drawn the lead mention of this invafion

upon himfelf by his friendfliip by the French troops, to require

to that princefs ; and his imperial his majefty to withdraw his troops

majefty even denies him the de- from the countries where they then

hortatorial letters he folicited. were, to put a ftop to all his war-

The court of Vienna figns a treaty like preparations, and by th^it

with the crov.'n of Fiance, in March means again open a pafTage for the

1757, at a time when his mnjcfty's French army to enter his German

troops were quiet in his own dominions. His imperial majefty

dominions, by which the French thinks proper to recall the king's

troops were to pafs the Wefer troopr, to fed uce them from their

the loth of July, and enter the allegiance and duty to his ma-

eleftorate of Hanover. She joins jefty ; to enjoin them never more

Tier troops to thofe of that crown, to obey his orders, but to abandon

and ravages the king's dominions their colours, their fervice, and

worfe than the French troops their poft ; threatening the faid

had done. The fame Duke of troops with punifhment, in body,

Cumberland who was wouried at honours, and eftates ; and the king

Dettingen in defending her impe- himfelf with being put under the

rial majefty, is obliged to fight at ban of the empire, which is not

Haftenbeck, againft the troops of in the power of the emperor ; and
