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After all this, they would have fore, muft return home, agreeably

me contradiA myfelf, break my to what the Duke cf Cumberland

word, and intirely ruin my eftate and the Hanoverian miniftry rtipu-

and my honour. Did you ever know lated with regard to me ia the

your brother guilty of fuch things ? ftrongeft manner. I am afraid that

Tt is true, that I have, as you fay, the true circumftances of things are

facrificed my all ; or rather, [have concealed from you.

been facrificed. The only thing- Not to detain your exprefs too

left m^e is my honour: and in the long, I (hall fend you by the polt

unhappy contrail of our fituarions, copies of all I have wriiten to the

I lament both you, and myfelf, that Hanoverian miniftry. It will grieve

it (hould be from you, my dear your honeft heart to read it. I

brother, I ftiould receive the cruel am, with a heart almoft broken,

advice to give up my honour. [ yet full of tendernefs for y^u,

cannot liiten to it : I cannofc-recede your's, &c.

from my promife J my troops, there- Blanckenbourg, Nov. 27, 1757,

arms fhall be depofited in the aforefaid arfenals ; and the general and fubaltern officers of ihe faid 'roops (hall take an oath not to ferve againll the king, or his allies, during the prefent war.

The Duke of Brunfwick fhall, nevrthelefs, be permitted to keep, if he pleafe?, for the gur.rd of his perfon and caftles, a battalion of foot, and two fquadrcns of horfe.

3. The regulations made by Marfhal Richelieu, and the intendantof his armv, fliall fubfift on their prefent footing.

4. The Duke of Brunfwick (hall furnifh his contingent in money and troops, agreeablv to the laws of th** empire ; his troops (hall im- Hiediarely join ihofe which the Germanic body has adembied, and he fhall order his minifter at Ratifbon to vote conformably to the refo- lutions of the dvet approved r nd confirmed by the emperor. On thefe conditions the Duke of Brunfwick fhall be reftored to the king's favour; all due refpeft fhall be paid to his moll ferene highncfs, and all the princes and prince.Tes of his houfe ; neither his revenues nor his trea- iures Ihall be touched, nor fhall the adminiftration of jullice, civil or ecclefiillica!, be exacted, and winter quarters only fhall b? demanded for the genera! officers and regiments which fhall winter in the Duke of Brunfwick's country.

The aforefaid conditions of a formal convention being prefented to me in the name cf hi? moft chriri^n m^jefty, by his excellency the Count de S:ainvil!e, his anibafTidor at the imperial caurt, and in the name of the emprefs queen by nis excellency Count Kaunitz, chancellor of flate ; and notwithllanding my prefTing remonitrance and felicitations to get fome of the articles changed or mitigated, having received for anfwer that they were the ullimarum, I declare, by virtue of the full powers re- ceived from his moll ferene hiphnefs, my moll gracious mafier, that I accept the aforef_id conditions ; and acknowledge them to be binding. In witnefs whereof I have hereto fee my name and aims.

Vienna, September 20, 1757.

L. S. Berkard Paul de Moll.

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