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to her chambre, the dyat faire hereafter ensuying:

Furst, Every morning at brekefast, oon chyne of beyf at our kechyn, oon chete loff and oon mannchet at our panatrye barr, and a galon of ale at our buttrye barr:

Item, At dyner, a pese of beyf, a stroke of roste, and a rewarde at our said kechyn, a cast of chete bread at our panatrye barr, and a galon of ale at our buttrye barr:

Item, At after none, a mannchet at our panatrye barr, and half a galon of ale at our buttrye barr:

Item, At supper, a mess of porage, a pese of mutton, and a rewarde at our said kechyn, a cast of chete bread at our panatrye, and a galon of ale at our buttrye:

Item, At after-supper, a chete loff and a mannchet at our panatrye barr, a galon of ale at our buttrye barr, and half a galon of wine at our seller barr:

Item, Ev'ry morning at our wood-yard, four tail shyds and twoo faggots:

Item, At our chaundrye barr in winter, ev'ry night, oon picket and four syses of waxe, with eight candells, white lights and oon torch:

Item, At our picker-house, weekly, six white cuppas:

Item, At ev'ry time of our removal, oon hool carte for the carriage of her stuff.

And these our letters shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalfe, at all tymes hereafter. Given under our segnet at our manour at Esthamstede, the 17th day of July, the 14th yere of our reign.

To the lord steward of our houshold, the treasurer, comproller, cofferer, clerks of the greene clothe, the clerks of our kechyn, and all other out bed officers of our said houshold, and to ev'ry of them.

The character of Oliver Cromwell may be seen in the following extract from the said state papers.
To his highless the Lord Protector of the common wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland,
The humble petition of Marjery, the wife of William Beacham, mariner,


THAT your petitioner's husband hath been active and faithful in the wars of this commonwealth both by sea and land, and hath undergone many hazards by imprisonment and fights to the endangering of his life, and at last lost the use of his right arm, and is utterly disabled from future service, as doth appear by the certificate annexed, and yet he hath no more than forty shillings pension from Chatham by the year:

That your petitioner having one only sonne, who is tractable to learn, and not having wherewith to bring him up, by reason of their present low estate, occasioned by the publique service aforesaid:

Humbly prayeth, That your Highness would vouchsafe to present her said fonne Randolph Beacham, to be scholler in Sutton's hospital called the Charter-house.