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ttis with a pair of fmall fciflars, at arms length, carefully turning away his f^ice,. to prevent the fumes from entering his lungs. He was called away, about other bufinefs, before he had quite ended his pro- cefs, and foon after wafhed and fhifted hinifelf ; but he had fcarce finilbed, before he felt a burning pain in the ring finger of his right hand, which he imputed to his having inadvertently touched the aqua-forcis. This increafed every moment, and affcifled the whole hand with burning pain and fwel- ling, which very foon fubfided : but then it flew into the left hand, and a few minutes afterwards, into the infides of his legs, as if fcald- ing water had been thrown on them. His ftockings being imme- diately pulled oiF, there appeared a greit many red fpots, as large as iixpences, fomething rjiifcd above the /kin, and all covered with very fmall blifters.

In about two hours after the ac- cident, 1 fint faw him : he was very uneafy, complaining of pain, and great anxiety, at the pit of the Itomach, as if a burning hoc iron was laid en it; fo he expreffed him- felf. His pulfe was regular, but flower and weaker than natural : he had a naufea, and complained of a very coppery fmell and taite. I ordered him fome alcaline volatile medicines, and to drink fmall fack- whey. He vcniited once, and had four or five ftcols, and then his fto- mach grew eafy. But the fcene foon began again with lancing pains in the left eye. He continued the fame medicines, drank plentifully of the whey, and was kept in a breathing fweat, by which he found fome eale at night: bat whenever the Iweat- ing leiTened, the burning pains re- turaed in broad flakes, changing

from one part of the body to the other; fometimes with fhootingsin his eye, and fometimes along the penis, but he had no heat of urine. His pulfe continued regular, but weak ; and in feveral places of his body fuch kind ot fpots ftruck out as thofe in his leg?.

Monday, the third day in the morning, after fleeping well, his pulfe was fomewhat raifed, and he continued eafy till about elevea o'clock, when the burning pains returned, lliooting from place to place ; but always fo fuperncial, that he could not dillinguiQj whe- ther it was in or under the fkin. Rubbing the partafFedtcd vvith one's hand gave eafe ; but when the fweating wentoft", and the burnings and (booting became infufFerable, I always put him into a bath of hot water, with fome wood afhes, kept ready in the room, which gave him great relief. This afternoon he felt violent burning pain in his great toes, and foinetimes in his left hand, with iiiootings up to the fhoulder. Once he cried out, in great pain, that his flioulder was burft; for he felt fomething fly cut with a fort of exploiion ; but^, ex- amining the part, I found nothing particular. He obferved, when the flaky burnings began, they were as if they kincled from a point, and flalhed like lightning, as he termed it. He was very often tor- mented with fuch pains on the pit oftheftomach; and ihis evening had (hootings thro' the back, with a pain in the belly. Hecomplained. of a llrong fulphureous fmell, which he faid was like to fuffocate him; though his breathing feemed eafy, and his lungs no way affe£led. In. the night he was feized with great pain about the heart, and cried out violently, that his heart

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