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there was a very good digellion from the parts above the moitifica- tion.

'I'he mortified parts became now To offenfive, that the poor woman preffed me much to take ofr her hands, afiuring me (he vvouli go through the operations with good courage, being very defirous to live, though ia this miferable con- dition.

On the 1 2th of July I took ofF both her hands ; 1 had very little more to do than faw the bones, na- ture having ftopped the bleeding when (he flopped the morafication. In a day or two after, I took ofF all the toes from both feet, and now riifcontinued the bark, the part? appearing in a healthy and healing condition ; which went on fo for £ve week?, when on a ludden, the parts began to lock livid, her ilo- mach failed her, and flie wa^i fe- verish ; but upon taking an ounce of the bark, in thirty-fix hours her fores began again to look well. She was nc;t fufFered to leave off the bark fo foon this time, but conci- Tiued taking it twice a day for a month. She is now almolt well : that part of her face, from whence the noie mortified, was healed in feven weeks, the ftumps of both arms are entirely healed, and both feet are well, cnly waiting for one piece of bone fcaling ofF, which I believe will be in a very ihort time, and <he is now in good htahh.

The perfon who gave her this medicine is a barber and peruke- maker at Bovv. I applied to him feveral times, to jnfcim me what it was he had given her. The afTair was talked of fo much in his neigh- bourhood, and the man threatened by the woman's hufband, that for » lung lime i couid not ^et him to

tell me, till I told him I had been informed where he bought the me- dicines ; and the time of the dsy that he had them correfponding with the time of his giving then to the woman, and that I knew it was lint^ure of myrrh, he at lafl told me, that he had frequently given the above quantity of aa ounce and half of it in an ague, that it had never done any harm, and hardly ever failed to cure. Upon which information I carried fome tinfture of myrrh to the wo- man, who tailed it, and is we'I aiTured it 'n the fame liquor the barber gave her in her ague-fit. I am, with refped.

Your obliged,

and obedient fervant,

R. Grindall.

y/a account of the political ellahhjh' ment of the Je/uits iu Paraguay.

From the Spanijh cf Den Jorgi Juan, Of.

THE territories of the miflions of Paraguay co.mprehended not only the province of that name, but alfo a great part of the provinces of Santa Cruz de la ijierro, Fucuman, andBuenosAyres. The temperature of the air is wood, though fomewhat moilt, and in fome parts rather cold: the foil in many places is fertile, and pro- duces in great abundance not only the fruits and vegetables peculiar to America, but alfo thofe of P.u- rope, which have been introduced there. The chief articles of their commerce are, cotton, tobacco, fome fugar, and the herb called Paraguay. Every town gathers annually more than zoo arrobas
