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lived in the world as you do now, tion could have entered into their

and may be fo again, when my narrow hearts, they would not have

fetters be taken from me. I an- been fo humble; or if my delicjhcs

fwer, though your Lordfhip fnould had been tafted by them,they could.

think fo, yet cannot I difiruft the not have been fo precife : but voar

goodnefs of my God, that hii mercy LordlTiip hath one to call upon you,

will fail me, or his grace forfake that knows what it is you now en-

me ; I have fo deeply engaged my- joy, and what the great-^ft fruit and

felf, that I (hould be one of the end is of a// the contentments that

moit miferable apoilares that ever this world can afrord Think

was: I have fo avoued my profef- therefore, dear Earl, that I have

iion, and called fo many from time ftaked and buoyed all the ways of

to time, to witnefs it, and to be pleafure to you, and idft them as

watchmen over me, that I fhculd fea marks for you to keep the chan-

be the hollowed hypocrite that ever nel of religious virtue; for (hut

was born : but though i fhould pe- your eyes never fo long, they muff

rifh in my own fin, ar.d draw upon be open at laji . and then vou muil

myfelf my own damnation, (hould fay with me, there is no peace io the

not you take hold of the grace and ivicked.

mercy in God, which is c fFered unto 1 will make a covenant with my you, and make your profit of my foul, not to luller my eyes to fleep fparful and wretched example f I in the night, nor my thoughts to was longer a flave and fervant to attend the firft bufinefs of the day, the world, and the corruptions of till I have prayed to my God, that it, than you have been, and there- your LordiTiip may believe and fore could hardly be drawn from it. make profit of this plain butfaith- I had many calls, and anfwered ful admonition; and theii I know feme of them flowly, thinking a your country and friends (hall be foft pace faft enough to come to happy in you, and yourfeif fuc- Chrift, and myfelf forward enough cefsfal in all you take in hand; when I fav/ the end of my journey, which fliall be an unfpeakable coin- though f arrived not at it ; and fort to therefore I have been, by God's Your Lordfhip's coufin, providence, violently pulled, haul- and true frier.d, ed, and dragged to the marriage whom no worldly caufe feaft, as the world hath feen. It can divide from vou, was juft with God to afflid me in ESSEX

this world that he might give me

joy in another. I had too much

knowledge when 1 performed too j^n extrao-dinary fermcn ha~oinv ap- Jitde obedience, and was therefore peated, intituled, Lonjuaai Love to be beaten with double !-ripes : and Duty; J Di/czurfe upon God grant your LordOiip may feel Heb xiii. 4. 1 reached at St.

the comfort I now enjo) in my un- Ann'i tn Dublin, Sept. 11, 17^7.

feigned converhon hut thatyou may ^ji Dr Brett. U ith a dedication

never feel the torments I have fuf- io the Right ^'ono rahte Lady Ca-

fered for my too long delaying it. roiine Rofiel, a^^'v/w^ the prero-

I had nonf but divines to call upon gati've of beauty and ^indicatin<T

iT-e, CO whom 1 faid, if my ambi- the pnisiUges cf il.efuir Jex \ aa
