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Chiefly you, who ride the deep. And bid our thunders wake or flecp,

Ai Pity pleads, or Glory calls

Monarchs of our wooden-walls ! 'Midli; your mingling feas and fkies ! Rife ye Ulakes, ye Raleighs rife! Let the fordid lull of gain Ee banifii'd from the liberal main. He who ftrikes the generous blow. Aims it at the public foe. Let Glory be the guiding flar. Wealth and honour? follow her.

See 1 fl^e fpreads her luflre wide O'er the vaft Jtlantic tide I Conftant as the folar ray Points the path, and leads the way ! Other worlds demand your care. Other worlds to Brita'n dear ; Where the foe infidious roves O'er headlong dreams, and pathlefs groves; And Juflice fimple laws confounds With imaginary bounds.

If protedled Commerce keep Her tenor o'er yon heaving deep, V/hat have we from War to fear? Commerce fteels the nerves of War; Heals the havoc Ps.2pine makes. And new ftrength from conqueft takes.

Nor lefs at home O deign to fmile, Goddefs of Britannia^s ifle ! Thou, that from her rocks furvey'ft Her boundlefs realms the wat'ry wafte ; Thou, that rov'rt the hill and mead Where her flocks and heifers fttd : Thou, that chear'ft the induftrious fwain While he llrovvi the pregnant grain; TKou, that hear'ft his caroU'd vows When th' expanded bain o'erflows ; Thou, the bulwark of our cauJe, Thou, the guardian of our laws.

Sweet Liberty 1 O deign to fmile,

Goddels of Britannia s ifle I

]f to us indulgent Heaven Nobler feeds of ftrength has given. Nobler ihculd the produce be; Brave, yet generous, are the- free. Come then, all thy powers difFufe, Goddefs of extended views !
