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5- Fondly they view the golden gate.

And hade to entt-r in. Where Mirth difplays its guileful bait. And veils the fnare within. 6. Blind Cupid helps the dire deceit.

As Folly gui^Jes his hand. And lau,!^hing Mom us hides the cheat, Tili Fancy ties the band. 7- Then for a while in giddy roife The revels (hake the plain : One hour is fpent in empty joys. And all beyond is pain. R. The dawn appears! the (hades retire!

And the gay vifion flies; Loft are the dreams of fond defire : But folid woes arife. 9- In ftrong tumultuous paffions tolt.

Their comforts foon are dead : Fair Peace and Happincfs are loft. And Hope for ever fled. 10. Juft is their doom. 'Tis luft ; 'tis gold ;

'Tis Sex alone canpleafe ; While mercenary Love is fold.

And pairs fuch minds as thefe. 11. The village Twain thus views his flock.

And governs abfolute : Whilft he attentive rears his ftock. And couples every brute. 12 Such common things raay well be bound

With any of their kind : But who, young kiafman, Ihall be found To match ihy nobler mind ?

The bright-ft nymphs who crowd our fcenes,

And bid the world admire. Arc but fome finer clay machines, ,

Void of celeftial fire.

Thus China's vafes give delight ;

Trim, gaudy, fmooth, and gay; Whilft gazing females blcfs the fight.

And wiib their hearts away. g