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'* Yon ftream that wanders down the dale,

    • The fpiral wood, the winding vale,

" The paih which, wrought with hidden fkill,

    • Slow twining fcales yon diitant hill
    • With fir inverted all combine
  • ' To recommend the ivavirg line*
    • The wreathing rod of Bacchus fair,

" The ringlets of Apollo's hair, " The wand by Maia's offspring borne, " The fmcoth volutes of Amnion's horn, •' The ftrufture of the Cyprian dame,

  • ' And each fair female's beauteous frame,

" Shew, to the pupils of defign, " The triumphs of the lua'ving line"

Then gaze, and mark that union fweet. Where fair Convex and Concave meet ; And while, quick-fhifting as you firay. The vivid fcenes on fancy play. The lawn of afpefl fmoorh and mild ; The foreft ground grotefqae and wild ; The fhrub that fcents the mountain-gale; The itream rough-dafhing down the dale. From rock to rock, in eddies tort ; The difiant lake, in which 'tis loft ; Blue hills, gay beaming thro' the glade $ Lone urns that folemnize the fhade ; Sweet interchange of all that charms In groves, mead?, dingles, riv'lets, farms! If aught the fair confuTion plea/e. With larting health, and lafting eafe, To him who form'd the blifsful bow'r. And gave thy life one tranquil hour ; Wilh /frt:f ariA freedom — tbefe pofTeft, His temperate mind fecures the reft.

But if the foul fuch hlifs defpife. Avert thv dull incurious eyes ; Go fix thfm there, where gems and gold, Improv'd by art, their pow'r unfold j Go try in courtly fcenes to trace A fairer form of Nature's face ; Go fcorn Simplicity! but know. That all our heart felt jcys belov. That all our virtue loves to name. Which Arc configns to lajling fame. Which fixes Wit, or Beauty's throne. Derives its fource from her ahnt.