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«' What! half thy wreath? Wit's mighty chief? O grant ! (he cries) one Angle leaf! That far o'erpays his humble merit. Who's but the organ of thy fpirit."

Pliccbus the gen'rous conteft heard. When thus the God addrefs'd the bard, •' Here ! take this laurel from my brow ; On him your mortal wreath beHovv ; Each matchlefs, each the palm fhall bear ; In heav'n^the bard i on earth, the play'r."

Prologue to the Tragedy of A c i s. PTntten by a Friend. Spoken by

Mr. Garrick.

IF in thefe days of luxury and eafe, A tale from Sparta's rigid Hate can pleafe ; If patriot plans a Britilh brealt can warm j If Kings afi'erting liberty can charm ; If virtue ftill a graceful afpetl wear ; Check not nt Agis' fall the gen'rous tear.

He view'd his fuhjcds with a parent's love j With zeal to fave a finking people itrove ; Strove their chang'd hearts with glory to inflame ; To mend their morals ; and rcllore their name ; Till Faftion rofe with Murder at her fide ; Then mourn'd his country ; pcrfever'd ; and died.

That country once for virtue was rever'd ; Admir'd by Greece ; by haughty Afia fear'd. Then citizens and foldiers were the fame ; And foldiers heroes ; for their wealth was fame. Then for the brave the fair referv'd her charms j And fcorn'd to clafp a coward in her arms. The trumpet call'd ; (he feized the fword and fhield ; Array'd in hafte her hufoand for the field ; And fighing, whifper'd in a fond embrace,

  • ' Remember ! death is better than difgrace."

The widow'd mother fliew'd her parting fon The race of glory which his fire had run ; «• IVIy fon, thy flight alone I Ihall deplore,

  • ' Return vidorioui ! or return no more !"

While Beauty thus with patriot zeal combin'd. And round the laurel'd head her myrtle twin'd ; While all confeft the Virtuous were the Great ; Fame, valour, conqueli, grac'd the Spartan ftate. Her pow'r congenial with her virtue grew. And Freedom's banner o'er her phalanx flew; But foon as Virtue dropt her fick'ning head. Fame, valour, conq_ueft, pow'r and freedom fled.
