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" In fummer, ftiade ; in winter, fire.'* And Sunday, dinners with th 'Squire. Mean while, my ev'ry blifs t' improve. With life's beft cordial, gen'rous love. Some fair Belinda, lovely name. May gradual catch the tender flame. And yield the treafure of her charms With Iweet reludlance to my arms. If then my friend (hould Ileal from town. And all the anger of the gown. And fee his parfon in good cafe, Bleft with th' elleem of all the place ; See the dear partner of my heart. All foftnefs, aft the kindeft part ; See young Selindas, good and fair. Climb up my knee the kifs to (hare; Pray how could Fortune more prefent? What room for pining difcontent f Proceed we now to place the nexc (Like good dividers of a text) In which the Mule fliall make appear You've much to hope and naught to fear; Where Garrick holds his mimic reiga (Mere mortals ca'l it Drury-lane) You've feen, the firft or fecjnd night, A new born piec? produc'd to light. Scene firft, a friend o' ih' hero fays Something that puts you in amaze. Of great events impending near. And dangers threaten'd to his dear: But for your life you can't divine. Where tends this itrange involv'd defign ! The plot fucceeds ; you've got a clue That guides the whole performance thro* ; And plain as nofe upon your face You ev'ry turn and winding trace. Hear, gentle friend, th' inftrudive lay ; Your law refembles juU the play. At lorit eje5lment, certiorari, Tro'ver, and/ irefacias ftare ye ? Have patience ; mark with eye profound ; And foon you'll tread on clearer ground. What vifioo's that ? In court you ftand. With nervous tongue and waving hand. Pleading the injur'd orphan's caufe, Whilll ftill Attention fpeaks applaufe. And now Britannia's patriots join To bid you in the fenate Ihine :

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