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Wrong are you both, rejoins a Quail, Confin'd within its wirey jail ; Frequent from realm to realm I'verang'd, And with the feafons, climates chang'd. Mankind is not (o void of grace, But good I've found in ev'ry place. I've fee n fincerity in France, Among the Germans complaifance ; In foggy Holland wit may reign, I*ve known humility in Spain: Freed was I by a turban'd Turk, "Whofe life was one entire good work ; And in this land, fair Freedom's boaft. Behold my liberty is loft. Defpis'd Hibernia have I feen, Dejeded like a widow'd queen. Her robe, with dignity long worn. And cap of liberty were torn. Her broken iife and harp unflrung. On the uncultur'd ground were flunp, Down lay her fpear, defil'd with ruft. And book of learning in the duft. Her loyalty ftill blamelefs found. And hofpitality renown'd. No more the voice of fame engrofs'dj In difcontent and clamour loft. Ah ! dire Corruption, art thou fpread Where never viper rear'd its head ? And did'ft thy baleful influence fow Where hemlock nor the night-lhade grow? Haplefs, difconfolate, and brave, Hibernia, who'll Hibernia fave ? Who fhall aflift thee in thy woe ? Who ward from thee the fatal blow ? 'Tis done, the glorious work is doDe, All thanks to Heav'n and Hartington,

0« iie/rji Fit 0/ tie C O IJ T.

/^ Thou ! to man the earneft of fourfcore, ^^ Gueft of the rich, unenvied by the poor, T60U that great Efculapius doft deride. And o'er his galley-pots in triumph ride ; Tiou that was wont to hover near the throne. And underprop the head that wears thccronva; Tbou that doft ofr in privy councils wait. And guard from fteep the drowfy eyes oi ftate ; Tbou that upon the bench art mounted high. And warn'li ihtjudget when they tread awy >
