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442 annual' REGISTER, 1758.

And, if my Mufe can aaght of truth divine. The boon the Mufe petitions fhall be mine : For fure this anl\vcr v.ouid be moriiVrous odd, Sh — te with the common tars, thou man of God!

Of thofe more vulgar tubes that downward peep. Near where the Ijon awes the ra<iing deep. The waggifh youths, 1 tell what I am told. Oft fmeW the fides with excremental gold ; Say then, when peafe within the belly pent, ■Hoar at the port, and ftruggle for a vent. Say— (hall I plunge on dung remifsly down. And with unfeemiy oruure llain the gcvn? Or ftiall i (terrible to think) difplode, Againtl th' unbutcon'd plufh the fmoaky load ? . The laugh of fwabbers—beav'n avert the jeil ! ' And from ih' impending florm preferve your prieft ! Ba.f grant that Cloacina, gracious queen! Should keep her od'rous Ihrine for ever clean. Yet frequent muH I feel the offenfive fpray, "When the tofs'd vefTel ploughs the fwelling fea ; And, as I fit, inceffant mufl: I hear M'ho language of the naufeous galley * near, "Where blockheads by the lift'ning pried unaw'd, Tho' uncommiilion'd dare blafpheme their God !

Happy the man f admitted oft to ride Within the ward room, where his tools abide.

The man of leather he, when Nature calls.

Can for the n-edful fpace repofe his awls.

And, while 1 fqueeze o'er fome ignoble feat.

Can difembogue his vile burgoo in ftate ;

While peeping Nereids fmoke the Chriftian jeft, •

The honour'd cobler and neglefted prieft.

And fwear by Styx, and all the pow'rs below.

In good old heathen days 'twas never fo.

Ah I what avails it, that in days of yore, Th' inftruclive Ip.fties of the birch I b6re ! For four long years with logic ItufF'd my head. And feeding thought went i'upperlefs to bed. Since you with whom my lot afloat is thrown, (O ! elegance of lalle to land unknown) Superior rev'rence lo the man refufe. Who mends your morals, than who mends your fliocs.—

But Crifpin faves your purfe, you anfwer — True, Nor does your priell without his offerings fue : Whene'er compcilM to ufe the fragrant hole. In fome bye nook I'll leave a moral fcroU :

♦ A p'atc near the cook rcom ahvavs throng'd with the fliip's people. + A ccbki- who uftd to nund the licuttnants fiioes in the quaiicr galkTy.
