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  • At VVeftmenfter, of Feverer tlie xx


  • And ot King Edward the xvii yere


« Emprinted by C AX TON.'

  • In Feverer the colde feafon.'

III. The book named 'Cordial, ' or Meniorate noviflima;' a third tranfl^ition from the French ; the orieinal author not named : begun to be printed by Caxron * the

  • morn after the purification of

« our bliiTid Lady in the yere

  • 1478, which was the daye of
  • Seint Bafe, bifhop and martir:
  • and finifhed on the even of

' thannunciation of our faid bliffid

  • Lady in the xix yere of Kyng
  • Edward the fourth, 1480.' By

which it feems that Caxton was above two years in printing this book. It does not that he publifhed any other work in that period : yet he was generally more expeditious ; but the new art did nor, or could not multiply its pro- ductions, as it does now in its ma- turity.

Thefe are all the remains of this i11u!trinus Lord, though, as Cax- ton fays, * notvvithlionding the

  • greet labours and charges he
  • had in the fervice of the King

' and of my faid Lord Prince,

  • which hath been to him no little
  • thought and biiinefs, yet over
  • that, tenrich his vertuous dif-
  • pofition, he put him in devoyr
  • at all tymes, when he might
  • have a leyfer, which was but
  • ftarte mete, to tranflate diverfe
  • bookes out of French into Eng-
  • lifh.* He then mentions thofe I

have recited, and adds,

• IV. Over that hath made di-

' vers balade ayenll the feven dede-

  • ly fynnes.*

It is obfervable with what timi- dity and lowlinefs young Learning ventured to unfold her recent pi- nions, how little fne dared to raife herfelf above the ground. We have feen that Earl Tiptoft and Earl Rivers, the rellorers and pa- trons of fcience in this country, contented themfelves with tranflat- ing the works of others ; the lat- ter condefcending even to tranflate a tranflation. But we mull re- member how fcarce books were; how few of the claffic llandards were known, and how much lefs underftood. Whoever confiders the account which Caxton gives of his meeting * with the lytyle

  • book in Frenflie, tranflated out
  • of Latyn by that noble Poete
  • and grete Clerke Virgyle,' will

not wonder that invention did not exert itfelf. Whatever was tranf- lated was new, and a real prefent to the age. Invention operates only where there is no pattern, or where all patterns are exhaulled. Ke, who in the dawn of fcience made a verfion of Chriftinaof Pifa, in its vigorous maturity would tranf- late Montefquieu — and, I trull, not in metre !

  • I have dwelled the longer on the

articles of thefe two lords, as they are very flightly known, and as I think their country in a great mea- fure indebted to them for the relloration of learning. The coun- tenance, the example of men in their fituation, muft have operated more ftrongly than the attempts of an hundred profefTors, bene- diiflines, and commentators. Th«  fimilitude of their ftudies was ter- minated by too fatal a refemblance in their catallrophe !
