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gerald Earl of Kildare, in the The clrcumilance of his firft fee- reign of Henry the Eighth, mar- ing her at Hunfdon, indifferent as ried to his fecond wife Margaret, it feems, leads to a ftrong confirma- daughter of Thomas Gray iVIar- tion of this conjedlure ; Sir Henry quis of Dorfei ; by whom he had Chauncy fays, that Hunfdon-houie three daughters — Lady Margaret, in HertfordOiire was built by Henry who was born deaf and dumb, the Eighth, and delHned to the (probably not the fair Geraldine ;) education of his children. The Elizabeth third wife of Edward Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald was Clinton Earl of Lincoln, and the fecond coufin to the Princefies Lady Cicely. Mary and Elizabeth, and it was Our genealogifts fay, that the fa- very natural for her to be edu- mily of Fitzgerald defcended from cated with them, as the fonnet ex- the Dukes of fufcany, who in the prefly fays the fair Geraldine was. reign of King Alfred fettled in i he Earl of Surry was in like England, and from thence tranf- manner brought up with the Duke planted themfelves into Ireland, of Richmond at Windfor*; here Thus, the two circumftances clearly cor-

,t:. ^ ^ u- T J . 1.1 refpond to the earl's account of

  • iTom Tufcane came his Lady s noble u: r a r • l- t. /■

, , ^ his hrlt Jeeing his miftrefs at

Hunfdon f, and being deprived of Her fire an earl, and her be- her by Windfor ; when he attend- ing foftered with milk of Jrifh ed th young Duke to vifit the breaft, foliovv of courfe. Her Princeffes, he got /ight of their dame being of prince's blood is companion ; when he followed him as exact ; Thomas Marquis of to Windfor, he loll that oppor- Doifet b-^ing fon of Queen Eliza- tunicy. If this affumption wanted beth Grav. daughter of the Du- any corroborating incidents, here chefs of Bedford, of the princely is a ftrong one; the Lord Leonard hou'e of Luxemburg. The only Gray, uncle of the Fitzgeralds, qaertion is, whether the Lady : liza- was deputy of Ireland for the Duke beth Fitzgerald, or her (ifter Lady of Richmond, and that connection Cicely, was the fair Giraldine : I alone would eafily account for the fliould think the former, as it is earl's acquaintance with a young evident that ihe was fettled in Eng- I dy bred op with the royal fa- land, mily.

  • One of the mod beautiful of Lorr! Surry's compofitions is a \-ery tender elegy

written by him when a priToner at Windlbr, lamerum? the happier days he for- merly pafled thfre. His punifh oent was for eating flefh in Lent.

t Sti vpe has pie;"- rved a ( urious lefcr, rt-lating to the maintenance of the.Lady Elizabeih aftei the death of hei motht-r. It is writren from Hunfdon by Mar- garet Lady Bryan, governels to the Princefs, and who, as (lis fays herlelf, had been maJe a baroneis on her farmer preferment to the fame poft about the Lady Mary ; a creation which items to have eicaped all our writers en the peeracre. The letter mentions the untoxvardly and ge7ttle conditions of ker grace. VoL i. No. Ixx. In the fame coUedlion are letters of Prince Edward fro.n Hunfdon.

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