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Her speech to the States when she delivered the merchants memorial to them 151
Letter of the States General to the States of Holland and West-Friesland 152
Amsterdam merchants Memorial to the Princess Gouvernante 154
Speech of the Princess Gouvernante to the States 157
Count Kaunitz's famous Rescript 157
Declaration delivered the 12th of June to all the foreign ministers at Petersbourg 161
The Pope's Brief, conferring the title of Apostolical Queen of Hungary on the Empress Queen of Hungary 163
Instructions of the States of Courland to their Deputies at Warsaw 164
King of Poland's Universalia for a general Dyet at Warsaw 166
Prussian Memorial concerning the suburbs of Dresden 167
The Saxon Memorial on the same 174
Brandenburgh Minister's answer 176
Capitulation of Louisbourg 177
The Governor's letter to a friend 179
General Amherst's letter to him, and the answer 181
A piece extracted from authentic documents of the French administration in Hanover 182
Conditions of a treaty between France and the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel 186
Baron Gemingen's Memorial to the Dyet of the Empire 187
Extract from a manifesto lately published by authority at Paris 200
The reigning Duke of Brunswick's letter to his brother Prince Ferdinand 213
The King of England's conduct as Elector of Hanover, in answer to the Parallel of the conduct of the King of France, with that of the King of England, Elector of Hanover 216
King of Prussia's, by Maupertuis 235
Voltaire's, by the King of Prussia 237
Anecdotes of the Life of Baron Montesquieu, Author of the Spirit of Laws 239
Anecdotes of Dr. Boerhaave 245
Accounts of John Ludwig 247
Particularities that attended a Lady after the Small-Pox 253
Lord Somers's, Duke and Duchess of Marlborough's, Lord Godolphin's, Lord Sunderland's, Lord Wharton's, Lord Cowper's, the Earl of Nottingham's, and Sir Robert Walpole's characters, by Dr. Swift 257
Description of the court and person of Queen Elizabeth, from Hentzer 263
Description of Theobalds and Nonsuch, from ditto 264