Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/12

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Ehrhard, A., Die altchristliche Literatur und Hue Erforschung von 1884–1900, 1900, p. 151 f.

Liechtenhan, R., Die Offenbarung im Gnosticismus, 1901, p. 49 ff., 150 ff.; "Die pseudepigraphe Litteratur der Gnostiker" in Zeitschrift fur die Neutest. Wissenschaft III, 1902, p. 287 ff.

Bardenhewer, O., Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur I, 1902, p. 414 ff.

Schmidt, C, Die alten Petrusakten im Zusammenhang der Apokryphen Apostellitteratur, 1903.

Hennecke, Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, 1904.

Handbuch zu den Neutestamentliehen Apokryphen, 1904.

Clemen, Paulus, I (1904), 333 ff.

Leipoldt, Geschichte des Neutestamentliehen Kanons, I (1907), 258 ff.

Bruyne, D. de, "Nouveaux fragments des Actes de Pierre, de Paul, de Jean, d'Andre et de l'Apocalypse d'Elie" (Revue Benedictine, 25 (1908), No. 2).

Editions. Fabricius, Codex apocryphus Novi Testamenti II, 1703.

Tischendorf, Acta Apostolorum apocrypha, 1851.

Lipsius—Bonnet, Acta Apostolorum apocrypha, Vol. I, 1891 (containing the Acts of Peter, Paul, Paul and Peter, Paul and Thecla, and Thaddæus); Vol. II, 1, 1898 (containing the Passion of Andrew, Acts of Andrew, Martyrdom of Andrew, Passion of Andrew and Matthias, Acts of Peter and Andrew, Passion of Bartholomew, Acts of John, Martyrdom of Matthew); Vol. II, 2 (1903), containing the Acts of Philip and Thomas together with the Acts of Barnabas. The first volume was edited by Lipsius; the second by Bonnet.

The late Professor R.A. Lipsius, of Jena (d. 1892), thus opens his epoch-making work Die apokryphen Apostelgeschichten und Apostellegenden (1893-91):

"Under the name of Acts or Deeds (praxeis, acta, actus), Circuits or Journeys periodoi), and Martyrdom or Consummation (martyrion, teleiosis) of the various apostles was comprised in the times of Christian antiquity a widely spread