Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/147

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found him standing before the door; and, thinking that he was the porter, they inquired of him where John lived. And he answered and said: I am he. And they, despising his common, and low, and poor appearance, were filled with threats, and said: Tell us the truth. And when he declared again that he was the man they sought, the neighbors moreover bearing witness to it, they said he was to go with them at once to the king in Rome. And urging them to take provisions for the journey, he turned and took a few dates, and straightway went forth.[1]

6. And the soldiers, having taken the public conveyances, travelled fast, having seated him in the midst of them. And when they came to the first change, it being the hour of breakfast, they entreated him to be of good cheer, and to take bread, and eat with them. And John said: I rejoice in soul indeed, but I care not for any food. And they started, and were carried along quickly. But when it was evening they stopped at a certain inn; and as, besides, it was the hour for supper, the centurion and the soldiers being most kindly disposed, entreated

  1. The Vatican recension tells us that when the soldiers had come to Ephesus and asked for John the Galilean, they "were shown our cell. And when they entered they found the theologian and asked him: Art thou John the Galilean? He said: I am he. But when they saw the virtue of the man and his modest and quiet demeanor, as well as his noble countenance, they were afraid, and respectfully said to him: 'The King of the Romans wants thee; come, go with us.' Upon hearing this, John gets up quickly, takes his pallium, together with about two handfuls of dates, and says to them: 'Come, let us go.'"