Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/151

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when he had come, John put water into the cup, and swirled it round, and gave it with all the dregs to the condemned criminal. And he, having taken it and drunk, immediately fell down and died.[1]

11. And when all wondered at the signs that had been done, and when Domitian, seized by fear, intended to retire and go to his palace, John said to him: O, Domitian, King of the Romans, didst thou contrive this, that, thou being present and bearing witness, I might to-day become a murderer? What is to be done about the dead body which is lying? And he ordered it to be taken and thrown away. But John, going up to the dead body, said, O God, Maker of the heavens, Lord and Master of angels, of glories, of powers, in the name of Jesus Christ, Thine only begotten Son, give to this man who has died for this occasion a renewal of life, and restore him his soul, that Domitian may learn that the Word of God is much more powerful than poison, and is the ruler of life. And having taken him by the hand, he raised him up alive.[2]

  1. The Vatican recension narrates: The King and the magician and all standing beside the King are amazed at the non-effect of the poison. The King is enraged against the magician, as having spared John. But John saith to him: "The poison is deadly; but Christ, my God, who said: if those who believe on him shall drink something deadly, it shall not hurt them, has made this also and all arts of the devil and his servants of no effect. But if thou, O King, wilt know the truth of those words, let some condemned criminal, etc., etc.
  2. The Vatican recension reads: When the king and all beside him saw this, they were greatly afraid. Saith John: "Since I am the cause of the death of this man, it is my duty to revive him by prayer." Having stood there for one hour in prayer, he raised the dead in the presence of the King and those who were with him.