Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/172

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not living, and art not partaker and heir of the true life. Wilt thou belong to Him by whose name and power thou hast been raised ? Believe now and thou shalt live in all eternity." He immediately believed in the Lord Jesus and followed John.


(Aa. pp. 175–179)

48. On the following day, having seen himself in a vision walking three miles outside of the gates, John hesitated not, but rose early in the morning, and went away with the brethren. And a young farmer, having been admonished by his father not to take to himself the wife of his colaborer, whilst the other threatened to kill him, was offended at his father's warning, and suddenly killed him. When John perceived what had taken place, he said to the Lord, "Lord, hast thou on this account bidden me to come here to-day?"

49. When the young man saw the hasty death, he was afraid of being seized, took the sickle from his girdle, and hastily ran to the house. When John met him, he said, "Stand still, thou most villainous demon! Whither art thou running with the sickle thirsting for blood?" The young man being confused, let the iron drop to the ground, and said to him, "I have committed a very unhappy, inhuman deed, and knowingly; therefore, I resolve to do myself a more violent and more cruel harm, to die once for all. For whilst my father always exhorted me earnestly to lead a chaste and honorable life, I