Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/175

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man's wife, has also represented to thee the removal of the immoderate members as a righteous work. But thou shouldest not have destroyed the members, but the temper which proved itself evil through the members. For not the instruments are hurtful to man, but the hidden sources, by which every shameful inclination is called forth and becomes manifest. Repent, therefore, my son, such guilt, and know Satan's cunnings, and thou shalt have the God, who helps thee in every need of thy soul." And the young man continued to lead a quiet life in repentance for his former sins, that he might obtain forgiveness through God's goodness, and parted not from John.

55. While performing these deeds at Ephesus, Smyrnaeans sent messengers to him, saying: "We hear that God whom thou preachest is an unenvious God, and has bidden thee not to remain in one place with partiality. Being the preacher of such a God, come to Smyrna and the other cities, that we may know thy God, and, knowing him, put our hope in him!

[Here is a gap in Bonnet's text, but codex Q. has here the following story, which Bonnet gives under the text.]


(Aa. p. 178–179)

56. One day John was seated and a partridge flew through the air and walked in the sand before him. John looked at this with amazement. And