Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/198

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little each of us was filled, and our own loaves were saved whole, so that they who bade him were amazed. And often when I was walking with him I wished to see whether the print of his foot appeared upon the earth—for I saw him raising himself from the earth—but I never saw it. Now, these things, dear brethren, I speak to you to encourage you in your faith toward him, for we must at the present keep silence concerning his mighty and wonderful works, inasmuch as they are mysteries and peradventure cannot at all be either uttered or heard.

94. "Now, before he was taken by the lawless Jews, which received (their) law from a lawless serpent, he gathered us all together and said, Before I am delivered up unto them, let us sing a hymn[1] to the Father, and go forth to what lieth before us. So he commanded us to make as it were[2] a ring, holding one another's hands, and himself standing in the middle. He said, Respond Amen to me. He began, then, to sing a hymn, and to say:

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Glory to thee. Father! And we going about in a ring said, Amen.
Glory to thee, Word! Glory to thee, Grace! Amen.

  1. On this hymn which the Priscillianists used, see Zahn, loc. cit., p. 220 f.; Lipsius, Apokryphe Apostelgeschichten, I, 525 f.; Pfleiderer, Urchristentum, 2d. ed., II, 123 f.; Hilgenfeid, Zeitschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Theologie, 1900, p 30 ff.
  2. "As it were" not found in the Nicene Acts.