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on to the work set before me, already perfected for me by the Lord. For what else have I to say to you? You have the sureties of our God. You have the pledges of his goodness, you have his sure presence. And if ye, then, sin no more, he will forgive you what you have done in ignorance. But if, after ye have known him, and he has had compassion upon you, you return to the like courses, even your former offenses will be laid to your charge, and ye shall have no portion in him, or compassion before his face."

108. And when he had said this to them, he thus prayed: "Jesus, who didst wreathe this crown by thy twining, who hast inserted these many flowers into the everlasting flower of thy countenance, who hast sown these words into my soul, who art the only fosterer and physician of thy servants, who healest freely, who art benignant and not haughty, alone merciful and kind, alone a Saviour and just; thou who always seest what concerns all, and art all, and everywhere present, comprising all and replenishing all, Christ Jesus God Lord, who with thy gifts and thy compassion protects those that hope in thee; who knowest intimately all the cunnings and threats by which our adversary follows us everywhere, do thou alone, O Lord, help thy servants with thy watchful care. So be it, Lord."

109. And having asked bread, he gave thanks thus, saying: "What praise or what sort of offering or what thanksgiving, shall we, breaking the bread, invoke, but thee only, Lord Jesus? We