Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/212

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marry; who for two years madest my eyesight weak, didst make men mourn and dependent on thee; who in the third year hast opened up the spiritual eyes, and favored my visible eyes; who by thy representations didst make the steady gaze upon a woman hateful to me; who didst deliver me from temporary show, and didst become my leader to eternal life; who didst separate me from the filthy madness of the flesh; who didst wrest me from bitter death, and alone didst bring me to thee; who didst stop up the secret disease of the soul, and cut out its open sections; who didst afflict and banish him who rebelled in me; who didst establish a spotless friendship to thee; who didst prepare a safe way to thee, who didst give me undoubting faith in thee; who hast drawn out for me pure thoughts toward thee; who hast given the due reward to every deed; who hast set it in my soul to have no other possession than thee alone—for what can be more precious than thou?—now, since I have accomplished thy stewardship with which I was intrusted, make me worthy, O Lord, of thy repose, and give me the end in thee, which is the unspeakable and ineffable salvation.

114. "And as I go to thee, let the fire withdraw; let darkness be overcome; let the gulf be powerless; let the furnace be slackened; let hell be extinguished, let the (evil) angels get behind me; let the demons be afraid; let the princes be broken in pieces; let the powers (of darkness) fall. Let the devil be brought to silence; let Satan be laughed to scorn; let